Hair Care Tips

What is Raw Hair? 

Raw/Virgin Hair is simply untouched hair, it’s hair that’s free from perms, color treatments, bleaches and dyes.  This hair is manageable. Treat it like your own. You will get some textures that’s steam processed but it’s 100% still pure. The steam process only make the textures that we desire for our dolls. 

Tip#1: Wash Your Hair Regularly 

You should wash your hair at-least once every week. Products that I use or would recommend is Pantene Products, Cantu, Herbal Essence. Great quality hair products. 

Tip#2: Deep Condition 

Deep conditioning your hair every week will make your hair shine, look and feel good. I recommend to deep condition at-least for 30minutes. 

Just by doing these two simple things your hair will look new as ever and be very manageable to sleek and style.